Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Prayer Intention

Please pray and fast for all the people who are suffering from the New Orleans disaster. These people need our prayers. It makes me incredibly thankful for nice, boring, inland, Minnesota.

Saturday, August 20, 2005

"It is very foolish to shut oneself into any wardrobe"....

Kind of a random title for this post, but it's the first thing I think of when I hear about someone who learned an interesting lesson from a bizzare situation. So naturally it's the first thing I thought of when I heard this.
(Click on the "OnStar" button once you get there)

Saturday, August 06, 2005

"A rose by any other name would smell as sweet"......

The other day, I was in the car and I was bored, so I decided to think of all the nicknames I've ever been given. Let me know if I forgot any. Enjoy!
1. Squeaker (also shortened by Dad to Squeak)
2. Jen
3. Jennybell
4. Lil Jen Jen
5. Jen Jen
6. Jenia
7. Janai
8. Mable
9. Winter
10. Jenethian (is that how you spell it Mary?)
11. Oscar
12. Squib (side-kick of BlackBeard)
13. Juniper
14. Fer
15. This one I can't remember, but I know I had it. (Remember at that one Saints yes, Mary?)
16. Jenovia
17. Puffercake
18. Sunfish or Snapper (did we ever decide on that one?)
19. Munchkin
20. Shortstuff
21. Thing 1 & Thing 2 (that's Nick too)
22. L'l J'n J'n (That's my rapper alias)
23. Jemma
24. There's another one I had and can't remember. (do you remember Bajuna?)
That's all I can think of at the moment, (I'm sure there's more) and since most of those are inside jokes I'll just give one big wink at the end instead of a bunch of little ones.